No More Hustleporn: Are you curious what firms have been charging for "data and analytics engineering" consulting?
Tweet by Lauren Balik
Are you curious what firms have been charging for "data and analytics engineering" consulting?
In today's Data Scam Lessons with Lauren™ we're evaluating what consultancies charge to make dashboards and do some data modeling exercises for ~3 month "Modern Data" starter……

1/ Now, the first thing that should stand out is the fact that 2 people will actually be doing the work and then 3 people are partially allocated to the project to do various things like scope requirements, run a JIRA board, schedule and run weekly meetings.
This is of course……
2/ So right there, you can shave $50-60k off the estimated project.
As a buyer, you should be pushing back on crap like this.
Many of these consultancies are sitting on high "bench time" people and trying to stuff them in places.
Because projects are getting cancelled across……
3/ The next thing that probably stands out on this basic rate chart is the hourly rates these firms charge.
Here's how the consulting math works out. You want your employees to be allocated to 1900-2000 billable hours in a year period. People have 2-3 weeks PTO, there's……
4/ Now, we're at a junction here. This is the opportunity.
Do you smell that? What's that smell?
It's money.
See, right now all of this hype cycle is becoming commoditized. Same thing happened with Hadoop.
Once customers figure out that yet again they've been bamboozled, they……
5/ The money opportunity is in charging even more than commodity firms, on-shore or off-shore.
If you can make even 5 dashboards for executives that they trust and they trust you, you've accomplished more than 90% of all of these circus projects.
You just have to focus on……